
Who We Are

Nigeria LNG Limited (NLNG) is one of the world’s top suppliers of LNG. NLNG was incorporated as a Limited Liability Company on May 17, 1989, to harness Nigeria’s vast natural gas resources and produce Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) and Natural Gas Liquids (NGLs) for export.

The establishment of NLNG as a company is backed by the Nigeria LNG Fiscal Incentives, Guaranties and Assurances Act. Cap N87, Laws of Federation of Nigeria 2004 which, amongst other things, provides for the guarantees and assurances by the Federal Government of Nigeria to the Company and its Shareholders.

Today, NLNG has a total production capacity of 22 Million Tons Per Annum (mtpa) of LNG and 5mtpa of Natural Gas Liquids (NGLs) from its six-train plant complex.

NLNG has, within a short span of time, grown in status to become a reliable supplier of LNG in the Atlantic Basin serving the European, South American, Middle East, and Far East markets. The company has 20 long-term Sale and Purchase Agreements (SPAs) with 9 customers.